What we do

DIGITALBRCK is a marketing firm that specializes in managing the digital presence of brick and mortar business. We will make sur ethat your business is operating at it's best when it comes to client attraction, engagement and conversion. Our services are made specifically for the business to grow, and range from social media creation and management, to paid ads and website creation. Book a free consultaion to find the perfect blend of services for your business.

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Social Media Management

We are skilled at managing your social media, from scheduling posts to taking full care of your inboxes.

Social Media is a great way for a business to connect with it's clients and even other businesses. There are plenty of methods including posting, commenting and connecting with others. We will manage the social media, and connect you to your clients.

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Search Engine Optimization

Your business ranking will greatly impact business.

As more people search online, managing your businesses listings and ranking. When clients search up businesses in Google they consistently tend to go for the higher ranked businesses. We will manage your businesses ranking on Google, Yelp, Yellowpages and many more directories.

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A Website is prime real esate. No matter business or website needs we can deliver.

The first step to building or strengthening digital presence is to build a website. A website is like your regular business. Whether your business just wants a simple one page website for quick information, or whether your business wants a fully functional business with a backend and ordering, we will build it.

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Content Marketing

Content is a good way to show the customers you know what to do, and how to help them in a pinch.

Simple blogs or video tutorials can go a long way for clients. When a client visits your website, this is often times one of the first thing they will see, and the content will have a great impact on their impression of you. We will manage the content including blogs and videos.